Flappy bird apk Free Download

Flappy Bird is a mobile game that was delivered in 2013 by Vietnamese designer Dong Nguyen. The game immediately turned into a worldwide peculiarity, with north of 50 million downloads.

NameFlappy Birds
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How to Download this app

  • Step 1: Click the Download Button.
  • Step 2:Wait Few Seconds.
  • Step 3: You will Be Riderected to the Download Page.


Flappy Bird includes exceptionally straightforward, tap-based interactivity. The player controls a bird that moves constantly to one side. Tapping the screen makes the bird fold its wings and go higher. There are columns of green lines that the bird should fly through. On the off chance that the bird hits a line or the ground, the game finishes. The main objective is to abstain from contacting anything and continue to fly as far as might be feasible through however many lines as would be prudent to score the most focuses.

However the ongoing interaction is fundamental, it is very difficult to dominate Flappy Bird. The physical science require exact tapping to control the bird. The lines are barely separated, pretty much ruling out mistake. It takes fast reflexes and ideal timing to reliably explore through them without crashing. This high trouble level contributed significantly to the seductive nature of the game, as players continued to pursue higher scores.

Fame and Debate

Not long after its delivery, Flappy Bird began rising quickly in fame. Positive informal exchange spread about its difficult one-tap ongoing interaction. Flappy Bird began showing up at the highest point of iOS and Android application outlines. Significant YouTubers and Jerk decorations began playing it for recordings and streams also. By mid 2014, Flappy Bird was the main free application and was seeing more than 50 million downloads each month.

Notwithstanding, contention and analysis over Flappy Bird additionally started developing. Some saw Flappy Bird as having a purposefully high trouble intended to be unjustifiably habit-forming. As players bombed again and again, pursuing the tricky high score turned into a fanatical impulse. This started banters about applications utilizing trouble and redundancy to condition clients basically.

There were additionally specialized issues that additional to the debate. Because of its abrupt achievement, Flappy Bird was tormented with early server issues and in-application promotion messes up that maddened players. Derisive responses began being aimed at Dong for releasing the as far as anyone knows pernicious and broken application.

Expulsion from Application Stores

In February 2014 at the pinnacle of Flappy Bird craziness, maker Dong Nguyen out of the blue declared he would eliminate the game from application stores, refering to the staggering tension and culpability he felt over the habit-forming nature discussions and issues brought about by his breakout hit. Only a couple of days after the fact, Flappy Bird was gone from both the iOS Application Store and Google Play retail facades.

This expulsion, obviously, just elevated the consideration and public interest encompassing Flappy Bird significantly further. With no real way to formally get the game any longer, Android clients began tracking down ways of downloading the apk and sideload the actual game. Underground Flappy Bird downloads persevere today. The game has taken on a legendary status in gaming legend to go with its broadly tenacious trouble.


While as of now not accessible authoritatively, Flappy Bird lives on as one of versatile gaming’s most incredible viral titles. Its ridiculously habit-forming one-tap equation has affected various versatile games since, from independent ventures to much Super Mario Run’s interactivity. Any intense versatile game with steady redundancy endeavoring to make old fashioned arcade-like test feasible on telephones owes to some degree a little credit back to Flappy Bird starting off the pattern.

For game designers, Flappy Bird fills in as both a moving layout for significant non mainstream achievement yet in addition a wake up call in being cautious what you wish for. Dong Nguyen went from a basic meaningful venture to the focal point of a global frenzy and discussion totally accidentally. It shows how apparently blameless applications can take on existences of their own in the quick current programming scene.

Flappy bird apk itself likewise lives on informally through different ports and clone adaptations. Decided Android clients proceed to sideload the apk to encounter the first rebuffing tapping challenge. Also, accolades keep the moderate soul of Flappy Bird taking off on into gaming’s future even without the name straightforwardly joined. For a game pulled after only a couple of months at its pinnacle, Flappy Bird left one of versatile gaming’s most getting through heritages.


What is Flappy Bird?

Flappy Bird is a versatile game delivered in 2013 for iOS and Android gadgets. The game includes tapping the screen to make a bird fold its wings and explore through a progression of Mario-esque green lines without hitting them. It turned into a short-term viral sensation for its frustratingly troublesome ongoing interaction.

Who made Flappy Bird?

Flappy Bird was made by Vietnamese designer Dong Nguyen and delivered through his organization dotGears. Nguyen made the game throughout a few days utilizing Adobe Streak.

What made Flappy Bird so well known?

While at first delivered in 2013, Flappy Bird unexpectedly shot to popularity in mid 2014. Its mercilessly difficult, habit-forming interactivity spread quickly through virtual entertainment and verbal. Famous YouTubers additionally transferred recordings of it, displaying its trouble. At its pinnacle, it was the #1 free application on the iOS Application Store.

For what reason was Flappy Bird eliminated from application stores?

In February 2014, Dong Nguyen authoritatively took Flappy Bird disconnected by eliminating it from both Apple’s Application Store and the Google Play Store. He refered to negative press consideration and culpability over the game’s habit-forming nature being hurtful.

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