Gb whatsapp apk Free Download

GB WhatsApp apk is a changed variant of the famous informing application WhatsApp. It offers extra elements and customization choices contrasted with the authority WhatsApp application.

NameGB Whatsapp
Size70.3 MB
VersionLatest Version
Last UpdateOne Day Ago

How to download this app.

  • Step 1: Click the Download Button.
  • Step 2: Wait Few Seconds.
  • Step 3: You will be riderected to the Download Page.

Key Highlights of GB WhatsApp

  • Custom Topics and Point of interaction
    One of the primary attractions of GB WhatsApp is the capacity to alter the point of interaction and subjects however you would prefer. You can look over different in-fabricated topics or even make your own custom subjects. This permits you to mod the vibe of visits, contact pages and different components.
  • Upgraded Protection and Security
    GB WhatsApp comes loaded with better security insurances and safety efforts. It has an inbuilt secret key framework, in disguise mode to conceal online status, and the capacity to conceal warnings for added carefulness.
  • High level Informing Choices
    You gain admittance to additional informing choices like auto-answer, plan messages, mass transmissions, and so forth. It additionally upholds sending messages up to 90 pictures without a moment’s delay not normal for the 10 picture limit on true WhatsApp.
  • No Boycott Hazard
    As GB WhatsApp utilizes an alternate bundle name and mark than the authority application, there is no boycott risk. You can securely utilize this mod without agonizing over your record getting restricted.

Disadvantages of Utilizing GB WhatsApp

While GB WhatsApp opens up numerous potential outcomes, it additionally accompanies a few disadvantages. As it’s anything but a formally endorsed application, elements can be buggy. There are additionally protection worries over information security. Also, WhatsApp doesn’t offer help assuming that issues emerge with informal mod applications. Subsequently utilizing mods is at the client’s own gamble.


For those looking for additional control and personalization over WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp presents an engaging modded elective. Anyway one ought to know about the related dangers. However long you utilize the application securely and don’t take advantage of its highlights, GB WhatsApp can enable your informing experience.


What is GB WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a changed form of the well known WhatsApp courier. An informal mod opens extra highlights and customization choices for an improved client experience.

Is GB WhatsApp permitted by WhatsApp?

No, GB WhatsApp isn’t allowed or supported by WhatsApp. It is a freely evolved mod application that utilizes WhatsApp’s open source code to add its own usefulness. Utilizing mods disregards WhatsApp’s help out.

What additional highlights does GB WhatsApp offer?

A few primary elements incorporate custom subjects, protection settings like concealing web-based status, plan messages, auto answer, media sharing up to 90 photographs immediately, lock visit with secret word, and that’s just the beginning. In general, it gives better adaptability.

Is GB WhatsApp protected to utilize?

While well known, utilizing GB WhatsApp accompanies gambles. As it’s not formally screened, there could be bugs and potential security issues. Accounts found utilizing mods might get restricted by WhatsApp. So use GB WhatsApp at your own watchfulness.

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